A strong core is important to performance and reducing risk of injury for any athlete no matter what sport they play. Intermountain TOSH certified athletic trainer Erin McFarlane says she sees several injuries in young athletes that are due in part of not having a strong core. She suggests doing the following routine to strengthen the core and be ready for the season.
1) Dead Bug Progression: Lay on your back making sure it’s flat on the ground and lift your knees up to 90-degree angle and put your arms straight out above you so they’re parallel with your legs. Once both are up you’re going to stretch out one arm and one leg on opposite sides. Stretching out your left leg while just above the ground while the right arm reaches above your head and back to your starting position. Then do the other arm and leg while keeping core tight and engaged. Do this 10 times for each arm and leg for 3-4 sets.
2) Plank Exercise: This exercise can be done using forearms or with extended arms like a push up but the important part is to keep your back flat. Lay flat facing the ground and hold yourself up and while in the position hold your body up and make sure your core is flexed which will works the muscles.
3) Side Planks: People should lay on their side and lift their body up using their forearm. For beginners their knee can be on the ground while their other leg is fully extended and can move up and down for an extra challenge. Your core muscles should be tight in order to properly work the muscle. If a person wants to make side plant more difficult they can extend both legs out and stagger them to stay up on their side.